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Breathe Deeper: Review of the New Ezviz UV-C Air Purifier

Breathe Deeper: Review of the New Ezviz UV-C Air Purifier

Comfortable life in a big city implies not only safety - his own, his family and property, but also the atmosphere that prevails in the apartment.

Agree, living in the city center or a developed residential area is good, but there are disadvantages, such as round-the-clock noise and dirty, polluted air, which is left behind by thousands of passing cars.

And if we have more or less learned to cope with the problem of noise with modern double-glazed windows, we rarely think about the problem of clean air and only after the beginning of health problems.

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But this problem is solved quite easily with modern devices, one of which will be discussed in today's article. More specifically - one of the most interesting air purifiers on the domestic market - EZVIZ UV-C Air Purifier with several degrees of purification, including disinfection, which is especially relevant nowadays.

The brand EZVIZ became firmly established in our country and is associated, in the first place, with security equipment - video surveillance and security alarm systems, although in the international market it represents an order of magnitude more devices working in its own ecosystem. In Ukraine, EZVIZ UV-C Air Purifier and will be one of the first products that will expand and dilute security systems.

Who needs an air purifier?

Is it justified to use a mobile air filtration system? If you care about your own health and the health of your loved ones, yes. The EZVIZ UV-C Air Purifier is more useful for those who:

  • Living in a city with a large number of cars. It should be taken into account that every year their growth only increases and records are broken almost every month. According to open sources, Kiev, Odessa and Kharkiv are in the top 15 of the world ranking of the intensity of traffic and congestion. And Kiev ranks in the top ten of these rankings, you can only imagine how many harmful substances cars generate and we have to breathe all this not only in the street but also in our own apartments.
  • Who has small children. Health, immunity, and therefore the future are formed in our infancy, so clean air is extremely important. Also, clean air will help your child avoid problems with dust and animal allergies in the future.
  • Suffers from seasonal allergies, animal allergies, or dust allergies. If you suffer from flowering plants in the spring and summer, and a small amount of dust causes continuous sneezing, an air purifier is one of the most important household appliances for you.
  • Who appreciates the comfortable atmosphere and care about their health. Clean air not only has a positive effect on the respiratory organs, it affects many aspects of our life - from good sleep and good moods, to productivity and vitality.

In general, the EZVIZ UV-C Air Purifier is definitely a high-quality and useful household device, which will not lie dead weight on the shelf, covered with a layer of dust.

Design and appearance features of the EZVIZ UV-C Air Purifier

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The design of the purifier is made in a classic case for this type of devices - a white monoblock with a control panel and air intakes, as well as a small circular display that displays important information - current temperature, humidity, and air quality, based on the amount of fine particles PM2.5.

In general the appearance tends to classical, there are no conceptual forms found in competitors, but this is the main advantage of EZVIZ - the cleaner will easily fit in any style interior, and it will not gather dust in hard-to-reach places. And when idle, it fits in any closet or balcony without cluttering the space.

In addition, despite the monolithic design, all UV-C Air Purifier serviceable covers and hatches are easily removable, allowing access to filters, cleaning or maintenance.

On the top panel is a push-button control panel with the ability to set the timer, ultraviolet disinfection activation mode, reset settings, and select the speed modes of operation. Also, there is a button lock against children or accidental pressing.

Operation and adjustment of the air purifier is as simple as possible, and any person, even those who encounter this device for the first time in their life, can figure it out.

EZVIZ UV-C Air Purifier Filter System (CS-EB350A)

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The basic, but most important part of any air purifier is its filtration system, that is, how clean the air we get at the output.

And the EZVIZ UV-C Air Purifier has this in full order, the purification system is included:

  • Pre-filter with cleaning capability. The first stage allows you to filter out the largest objects such as hair, hair, skin particles and other natural pollutants. It also helps extend the life of the remaining filters and fights large allergens in the air.
  • The second stage of cleaning is the True HEPA filter, which fights major household air contaminants - dust, small allergens, pollen, spores, mites and other objects as small as 0.3 microns. It is probably the main and most important filter of the system, which is responsible for a safe atmosphere in the house.
  • The third stage of cleaning is to remove unpleasant odors and volatile organic compounds, such as benzene or formaldehyde. The filter is based on activated coconut charcoal, a material that has long been renowned for its ability to clean and neutralize harmful substances and is used in water purification systems.
  • Well, at the final stage of what happens almost can not cope with filters of mechanical purification - disinfection of purified air from harmful bacteria and viruses using ultraviolet lamp spectrum C (UV-C, 254 nm). This radiation breaks the molecular bonds of viruses, preventing them from reproducing.

And given the realities of the pandemic and the rapid multiplication of dangerous viruses, this degree of cleaning is just as important as getting rid of allergens, maybe even more important.

An additional, but also important cleaning system is the sterilization of the air with negative ions, which are also detrimental to pathogenic bacteria.

From the filtration system we can move on to the main technical characteristics - at this point we will find out with what efficiency the EZVIZ UV-C Air Purifier works.

Efficiency and specifications of the EZVIZ UV-C Air Purifier

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The air purifier from EZVIZ has one of the most remarkable price to quality ratios among competitors on the market. Judge for yourself, the device is designed to work in rooms up to 42 square meters, which is comparable to a large office or even a one-room apartment.

At the same time, the power of the device is enough to treat and clean up to 350 m³/h, and the regulation is available in three modes - Automatic, Turbo or Sleep. The noise level in the maximum operating mode does not exceed 66 dBA, which is comparable in volume to a normal conversation between two people.

Other useful features of the UV-C Air Purifier include:

  • Built-in accurate dust sensor;
  • Timer can be set for 1, 2, 4 and 8 hours;
  • Filter change warning system;

Such functionality is quite enough for quality work and at the same time it does not lead the device into multitasking, in which none of the declared technologies will work properly. The weight of the device is about 7 kg, it is a decent index among the competitors, again it is necessary to take into account the weight of the filters - good and high-quality air purifiers cannot weigh little. The dimensions of the device also has the standard indicators - about 370 x 215 x 594 mm.

You can buy an air purifier in our online store at this link, but before buying don't forget to watch our video review and subscribe to our YouTube channel. This will allow you to get a special bargain when ordering, and you will always be aware of the latest security market news and other interesting and useful equipment!

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