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Access control and street security: a review of Ajax 2021 innovations

Access control and street security: a review of Ajax 2021 innovations

The year 2020 and 2021 turned out to be scarce for novelties in the field of technical security - it is quite difficult to bring innovations to the market during the pandemic and the global crisis, but the major manufacturers managed to find the strength to pamper customers with interesting devices.

And if in the video surveillance announcements are not so noticeable - few people expect the release of the new 3256th camera, but in the field of burglar alarm new items take off quickly, especially if their manufacturer - Ajax.

Just today, Ajax Systems unveiled three new devices at once - a functionally enhanced keypad for alarm control and outdoor motion sensors - a curtain and with photo verification support.

The company has set the accents correctly - the keypad will allow to explore the market of access control and management, and therefore more quickly and fully develop the market of large commercial real estate. Well, motion sensors will expand the range of devices for outdoor security - at the moment there is only one sensor (MotionProtect Outdoor), introduced back in 2018.

The new items were named KeyPad Plus, MotionCam Outdoor and DualCurtain Outdoor, and we'll talk about the specifications and features below.

Ajax KeyPad Plus wireless keypad with ID card and key fob support

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Judging by the name, it becomes clear the main feature of the new device - now the alarm system, with the help of KeyPad Plus, will be able to support physical contactless identifiers - cards and key fobs.

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And the identification will not be made by the standard protocol, and with the help of cryptographic technology DESFire, widely used in the banking sector, and in major industrial companies, such as NASA.

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Along with the keypad, accessories for it - Pass card and Tag key fob (Tag key fobs are becoming a hit of this year) - are also coming to the market. Well, the number of supported IDs will directly depend on the alarm system hub: Hub 2 will support 50 cards and fobs, Hub Plus - 99, and Hub 2 Plus - 200 pieces. Hubs of the first generation will not support these devices.

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The new KeyPad Plus will also feature improved battery life - up to 3.5 years with the card and key fob reader turned on and up to 4.5 years with the key fob reader turned off. This is a significant difference compared to the first generation model, which claimed a battery life of up to 2 years.

Otherwise, the design and operating principles of the model inherits the first Ajax KeyPad.

MotionCam Outdoor Motion Sensor with Built-in Camera

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This novelty managed to combine the advantages of two popular devices at once - the internal MotionCam sensor and MotionProtect Outdoor, of course, multiplying them.

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MotionCam Outdoor has a newer and more advanced camera with HDR technology, which will send the first photo in 9 seconds when an alarm is detected. The photo resolution is 640 x 352 pixels, and in the settings you can select continuous shooting, which allows you to get an animated gif of what is happening.

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By the way, the range of detection of moving objects remained the same - about 15 meters, there is an algorithm LISA, anti-masking system and improved immunity from small pets.

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Of course, the sensor housing has received protection against dust and moisture to IP54 standard, as well as a removable visor, which is now available as standard delivery - you will not need to purchase separately.

Ajax DualCurtain Outdoor Curtain Motion Sensor

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And the final novelty from Ajax - outdoor bi-directional motion sensor DualCurtain Outdoor. The device is interesting because it has few (if any) analogues on the market, both in quality and functionality.

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Its working principle is to form two invisible beams, the intersection of which triggers an alarm. This is an excellent solution for the exterior protection of buildings and stores - the diameter of the guard reaches about 30 meters (15 in each direction), which means that windows, shop windows and doors will be reliably protected, even in large buildings.

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The DualCurtain Outdoor responds perfectly to human movement, while being sufficiently immune to animals, even large dogs, and has temperature compensation technology to ensure reliable operation in all weathers.

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Like MotionCam Outdoor, this sensor is protected against dust and moisture to IP54 standard, and is powered by two CR123 batteries. According to the manufacturer - they should last up to 4 years of autonomous work, after which the batteries can be replaced.

Novelty relevance

Without a doubt, all three devices should rightfully take their place in the Ajax ecosystem, covering street security and access control tasks.

These seemingly unimportant functions form a comprehensive solution to protect not only a private house or cottage, but also provide more advanced security at very large sites. And they do it with wireless technology, the latest equipment and at a relatively affordable price.

Well, of course, speaking of Ajax it is impossible not to mention the design - to date, the company's sensors and accessories are the benchmark in style. By the way, the colors of the new products have remained the same - the devices that are placed indoors (keyboard) are available to order in black and white. Outdoor sensors are made exclusively in white.

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As for the price - as of today Ajax KeyPad Plus costs about 2300 UAH, MotionCam Outdoor - 3950 UAH, and DualCurtain Outdoor - 3889 UAH. Identification cards and key fobs will be sold in sets of 3, 10 and 100 pieces, and prices start from 359 UAH for 3 cards to 9599 UAH for 100 key fobs.

You can buy sensors with keyboards and accessories today on the pages of our store. And to get a special offer for buying all the novelties - subscribe to our YouTube channel and be the first to know about all the novelties and great deals!

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